an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

Rutinas especiales para ti

Atrévete al cambio

Nuestras Rutinas

Entrenamientos personalizados para alcanzar tus metas de salud y bienestar en un ambiente motivador.

A modern gym interior with various exercise machines neatly arranged on a wooden floor. The walls are lined with motivational posters and parts are adorned with artificial greenery. Ceiling lights illuminate the space, highlighting the sleek and organized look of the equipment.
A modern gym interior with various exercise machines neatly arranged on a wooden floor. The walls are lined with motivational posters and parts are adorned with artificial greenery. Ceiling lights illuminate the space, highlighting the sleek and organized look of the equipment.
A spacious gym interior with high ceilings and large skylights providing natural light. Various gym equipment, including weight racks with colorful plates (green, yellow, red, blue), a pull-up rig, and exercise machines are neatly organized. The space has a mix of black flooring and a strip of green turf, creating a clean and organized workout environment.
A spacious gym interior with high ceilings and large skylights providing natural light. Various gym equipment, including weight racks with colorful plates (green, yellow, red, blue), a pull-up rig, and exercise machines are neatly organized. The space has a mix of black flooring and a strip of green turf, creating a clean and organized workout environment.
Entrenamiento Personal

Entrenadores especializados te guiarán en rutinas adaptadas a tus necesidades y objetivos personales.

Clases Grupales

Disfruta de clases dinámicas que fomentan la motivación y el trabajo en equipo para tu bienestar.

¿Quieres ganar masa muscular, tonificar o definir tus brazos?

Descansa adecuadamente: Permite que tus músculos se recuperen entre series y entrenamientos.

Intermedios (45 minutos)
  • Curl de bíceps con barra: 3 series de 8-10 repeticiones.

  • Extensiones de tríceps con polea: 3 series de 12-15 repeticiones.

  • Press francés con barra: 3 series de 10-12 repeticiones.

  • Curl de martillo: 3 series de 12-15 repeticiones.

  • Curl de bíceps con mancuernas: 3 series de 10-12 repeticiones.

  • Extensiones de tríceps con mancuernas: 3 series de 10-12 repeticiones.

  • Fondos en banco: 3 series al fallo.


Entrenamientos personalizados para transformar cuerpo y mente.

A modern gym interior with various exercise equipment, including weight racks, treadmills, and other fitness machines. The space is well-lit with industrial-style lighting, and features a mezzanine level accessed by metal stairs.
A modern gym interior with various exercise equipment, including weight racks, treadmills, and other fitness machines. The space is well-lit with industrial-style lighting, and features a mezzanine level accessed by metal stairs.
A modern gym with a minimalist interior design, featuring black flooring with interlocking rubber mats. The walls are lined with exercise equipment such as weights and racks. Overhead, evenly spaced ceiling lights provide bright illumination.
A modern gym with a minimalist interior design, featuring black flooring with interlocking rubber mats. The walls are lined with exercise equipment such as weights and racks. Overhead, evenly spaced ceiling lights provide bright illumination.
A muscular man with defined abs is standing confidently in a gym, his arm resting on a piece of fitness equipment. The environment suggests a focused and intense workout session, with weights and exercise machines visible in the background. The lighting casts subtle shadows, highlighting the man's physique.
A muscular man with defined abs is standing confidently in a gym, his arm resting on a piece of fitness equipment. The environment suggests a focused and intense workout session, with weights and exercise machines visible in the background. The lighting casts subtle shadows, highlighting the man's physique.
A gym interior with several people engaging in various physical exercises. The room has purple flooring and walls, and is equipped with gym equipment like rowing machines, plyo soft boxes, weights, and stability balls. There are mirrors on the walls and a TV screen displaying a video. Some individuals are performing bodyweight exercises, while others are using equipment. The lighting is bright, and the atmosphere appears active and focused.
A gym interior with several people engaging in various physical exercises. The room has purple flooring and walls, and is equipped with gym equipment like rowing machines, plyo soft boxes, weights, and stability balls. There are mirrors on the walls and a TV screen displaying a video. Some individuals are performing bodyweight exercises, while others are using equipment. The lighting is bright, and the atmosphere appears active and focused.

Próximamente, podrás descubrir tus rutinas en video..esperanos pronto

Rutina principiante

Día 1: Pecho y tríceps

  • Press de banca con barra: 3 series de 10-12 repeticiones

  • Fondos en el suelo: 3 series al fallo

  • Extensiones de tríceps con mancuerna: 3 series de 12-15 repeticiones

Día 2: Espalda y bíceps

  • Remo con barra: 3 series de 10-12 repeticiones

  • Dominadas asistidas (si es posible): 3 series al fallo

  • Curl de bíceps con mancuernas: 3 series de 12-15 repeticiones

Día 3: Piernas y hombros

  • Sentadilla: 3 series de 10-12 repeticiones

  • Peso muerto: 3 series de 10-12 repeticiones

  • Elevaciones laterales: 3 series de 12-15 repeticiones